Author Archives: Prabakar Puvanathasan

2012 Enbridge CN Tower Climb for United Way

This weekend, my co-worker Sunny and I participated in the 2012 Enbridge CN Tower Climb for United Way. Sunny had already climbed the CN Tower this past April and according to him, he did it in a time of 17 minutes… Continue reading ‘2012 Enbridge CN Tower Climb for United Way’

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Home Surveillance via Skype

So, you are going away for a while and you want to setup a home surveillance system but don’t have the money to spend on the expensive cameras. Well, you can hack your own home monitoring system. All you need… Continue reading ‘Home Surveillance via Skype’

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Rails single table inheritance with polymorphic association

Lets say, you wanted to store contact information such as emails, phone numbers, and websites. These contact information can be associated with an employee of a business or the business itself. A business can have multiple emails and multiple phone… Continue reading ‘Rails single table inheritance with polymorphic association’


Playing with puppet

One of the tasks that I perform as a rails application developer is repeatedly setting up the following rails stack on an EC2 instance running a variant of Ubuntu: Ruby Enterprise Edition (or Ruby 1.9.2 via RVM) Apache (or Nginx)… Continue reading ‘Playing with puppet’